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Weekend Snapshot

Well, its time for the weekenders to share their shots last weekend. Last Saturday i went to the Flea Market and look around if i can see something that i like but it seems that i just having a window shopping. It has a lot of people and a lot of yard sale. I saw a book for girls scout and thats what i interested to buy. The book was about the first aid and like it. Its fun to see people walking and i know some of them doesn't really seems to find what they wanted. How's your weekend?


Anonymous said...

looks like you spent an interesting weekend! :)
happy WS

SandyCarlson said...

Such sales can be an adventure!

Anonymous said...

i love bargain shopping! have a good day!

EM said...

I also enjoy windowshopping and bargain hunting! Looks like you had you dose of shopping last weekend!

Happy WS!

Pretty Life Online said...

great shots for WS! thanks for dropping by...

Bela said...

sounds like a great weekend...

mine is up too. hope you can drop by.

View from the top

Happy WS!

eastcoastlife said...

Looks like there is a lot to buy. :)

Anonymous said...

I love bargain shopping too.

Jeanne said...

great shot

visit my WS too here

Anonymous said...

did you get some quality bargains?

Anonymous said...

i've never been to a flea market and i would really like to go to one! :)

thanks for visiting my WS entry. i'm sorry it to me this long to visit yours. :)